Fault Activity Map of California
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Citation Information:
Originator: Charles W. Jennings and William A. Bryant
Publication Date: 2010
Title: Fault Activity Map of California
Edition: Version 2.0 (California Geological Survey 150th Anniversary Edition)
Series Information:
Series Name: Geologic Data Map, 1:750,000 Scale
Issue Identification: GDM Map No. 6
Publication Information:
Publication Place: Sacramento, California
Publisher: Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey
Other Citation Details: Digital Preparation by: Milind Patel, Ellen Sander, Jim Thompson, Barbara Wanish, Milton Fonseca, and Carlos Gutierrez.
''This digital database contains the faults shown on the Fault Activity Map of California by Charles W. Jennings and William A. Bryant published in 2010. The map shows locations of known faults that can be portrayed at 1:750,000 scale and indicates the latest age when displacements took place, according to available data. The displacements may have been associated with earthquakes or may have been the result of gradual creep along the fault surface. The faults are separated into five categories: historic, Holocene, late Quaternary, Quaternary, and pre-Quaternary.
The 2010 Fault Activity Map of California presents a much more detailed depiction of faults in California than previous versions. In order to preserve as much of the original detail as possible, most faults active in the Quaternary (2.6 Ma) were digitized from their original sources (geologic maps ranging from 1:12,000 to 1:250,000 scale). However, due to limitations associated with printing the map at the 1:750,000 scale, some of the fault traces have been simplified or omitted. For a complete, unsimplified database of Quaternary faults, refer to the Digital Database of Quaternary and Younger Faults from the Fault Activity Map of California, Version 2.0 (Bryant, 2005; http://www.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/information/publications/Pages/quaternaryfaults_ver2.aspx).
''To provide information for those concerned with land use on or near geologic faults in California.
Supplemental Information:
''A significant difference from the 1994 version of the Fault Activity Map of California is the method of fault compilation. Almost all of the Quaternary faults shown in the 2010 version of the Fault Activity Map have been digitally compiled from original-scale source maps (1:12,000 to 1:250,000) used for the 1975 and 1994 maps, as well as more recent mapping when available. This compilation method insures that locations of these faults are more accurate than those depicted on previous editions of the Fault Activity Map. The Pre-Quaternary faults remain the same as in the 1994 version.
The geographic information system (GIS) files in this data package were created using ESRI ArcGIS. The *.gdb file is an ESRI File Geodatabase, version 10.1. The *.shp files are ESRI Shapefiles which were exported from the file geodatabase using ArcMap's "export" functionality. The *.dbf, *.prj, *.sbn and *.shx files support the *.shp files and contain necessary and important data that are referenced by the *.shp file. The *.mxd file is an ESRI Map Document file, which controls the display of data from the ESRI geodatabase, in this case using the same colors and symbols as the printed map. The Map Document file can be opened only with ESRI ArcGIS 10.1 or later. The ESRI Shapefiles can be opened with a wide variety of commercial and open-source GIS software, including Geomedia, GRASS GIS, MapInfo and Quantum GIS. The Shapefiles and Geodatabase contain the same geologic data.
Time Period of Content:
Time Period Information:
Single Date/Time:
Calendar Date:
Currentness Reference: 2010
Progress: Complete
Maintenance and Update Frequency: Irregular
Spatial Domain:
Bounding Coordinates:
West Bounding Coordinate: -125
East Bounding Coordinate: -114.125
North Bounding Coordinate: 42
South Bounding Coordinate: 32.5
Theme Keyword Thesaurus: none
Theme Keyword: 750k
Theme Keyword: fault activity
Theme Keyword: faults
Theme Keyword: map
Theme Keyword: geology
Place Keyword Thesaurus: none
Place Keyword: California
Place Keyword: USA
Access Constraints: To ensure currentness, this dataset must be obtained from the Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey.
Use Constraints:
''Upon receipt of this data set, all users are subject to copyright restrictions as follows: copyright 2010 Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey. All rights reserved. No part of this dataset may be reproduced, transmitted, or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of the California Geological Survey except as follows. Permission is granted to reproduce under the following conditions: 1) for personal use, 2) for publication in a report in unmodified form; cite on figure or in text as "Reproduced with permission from [title], [authors], [date], California Geological Survey", and 3) for publication in a report in modified form; cite on figure or in text as "Modified from [title], [authors], [date], California Geological Survey". (See above for appropriate title, authors, and date.)