*TypeFeature Class
*Row count226721
-->California oil and gas wells point feature class-->
Definition source
-->DOC, DOGGR-->
*Data typeOID
Field description
-->Internal feature number.-->
Description source
Description of values
-->Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.-->
*Data typeString
Field description
-->API Number. Unique and permanent identifier assigned to each well as standardized by the American Petroleum Institute-->
*Data typeString
Field description
-->Operator-assigned alpha numeric designation for well. Sometimes, operator called this as well designation.-->
*Data typeString
Field description
-->Well Status - single code identifying current status of well. Single code stands for:
A = Active (well has been drilled and completed)
B= Buried (older well that is not abandoned to current standards; location of buried well is approximate)
I = Idle (well is idle, not producing at certain period but capable of being reactivated)
N = New (recently permitted well; in the process of being drilled)
P = Plugged & Abandoned (well has been plugged and abandoned to current standards)
U = Unknown (well status not known; mostly older wells dated on pre-1976)-->
*Data typeString
Field description
-->Codes indicating well type.
AI = Air Injector
DG = Dry Gas
GD = Gas Disposal
DH = Dry Hole
GS = Gas Storage
LG = Liquid Gas
OB = Observation
OG = Oil & Gas
PM = Pressure Maintenance
SC = Cyclic Steam
SF = Steam Flood
WD = Water Disposal
WF = Water Flood
WS = Water Source-->
*Data typeString
Field description
-->Operator code. Unique identifier number assigned to each operator-->
*Data typeString
Field description
-->Operator Name. Name of individual or company or organization responsible for managment and operations of wells.-->
*Data typeString
Field description
-->Lease name of oil and gas wells. At situation when lease name of that well is unknown, the location in which well is located (i.e. section, township, range, longitude, latitude) is then recorded.-->
Description source
*Data typeString
Field description
-->Name of the oil and gas field in which the well is located-->
Description source
*Data typeString
*Data typeString
Field description
-->Name of area in which well is located-->
Description source
*Data typeString
Field description
-->DOGGR district with jurisdiction over the location in which well is located-->
Description source
*Data typeString
Field description
-->County with jurisdiction over the location in which well is located-->
Description source
*Data typeInteger
Field description
-->Public Land Survey System section number in which well is located-->
Description source
*Data typeString
Field description
-->Public Land Survey System township in which well is located-->
*Data typeString
Field description
-->Public Land Survey System range in which well is located-->
Description source
*Data typeString
Field description
-->Base Meridian. Principle meridians required for all California surveys; defines PLSS base
H = Humboldt
MD = Mount Diablo
SB = San Bernardino
Description source
*Data typeDouble
Field description
-->Longitude of well in the NAD83 coordinate system; decimal degree format-->
Description source
*Data typeDouble
Field description
-->Longitude of well in the NAD83 coordinate system; decimal degree format-->
Description source
*Data typeString
Field description
-->Surface elevation of well in feet-->
Description source
*Data typeDouble
Field description
-->Total measured depth of well bore in feet-->
Description source
*Data typeDouble
Field description
-->Redrill Footage. Total vertical depth of redrill in feet-->
Description source
*Data typeString
Field description
-->Redrill Cancel Flag. Sequential numbers such as 0, 1, 2, 3 etc. representing the number of re-drills for a well-->
Description source
*Data typeString
Field description
-->Optional comments about well location-->
Description source
-->DOGGR -->
*Data typeString
Field description
-->Optional comments about the well-->
Description source
*Data typeString
Field description
-->3-character code describing the method by which the well location was established
(Ranked from most accurate to least accurate)
GPS = Global Positioning System (Coordinates derived from Division staff and Trimble GPS unit)
OPR = Operator (Coordinates provided by Operator via electronic format; ex. Excel, db, etc.)
SUM = Well Summary Report (Coordinates provided by Operator, post-drilling, on SUM)
NOI = Notice of Intent to Drill (Coordinates provided by Operator, pre-drilling, on NOI)
DOQ = Digital Ortho Quad (Coordinates derived from aerial imagery)
MIP = MapInfo Plotted (Coordinates generated from tool in MapInfo using corner call locations)
HUD = Heads Up Digitized (Coordinates derived from scanned, georeferenced Mylar maps)
Description source
*Data typeString
Field description
-->Dry hole well is a well that never produced commercial quantities of hydrocarbons
N = Not a Dry Hole
Y = Is a Dry Hole
Description source
*Data typeString
Field description
-->Confidential Well. Subsurface information for well is held confidential for a period of two years pursuant to Public Resources Code section 3234-->
Description source
*Data typeString
Field description
-->Directionally Drilled. Indicator of whether well was directionally drilled.
NULL for confidential wells
Description source
*Data typeString
Field description
-->Hydraulically Fractured. Indicator of whether well received hydraulic stimulation treatment.
N = Well did not receive hydraulic stimulation treatment
Y = Well received hydraulic stimulation treatment
Description source
*Data typeString
Field description
-->Bureau of Land Management exercises jurisdiction of well
N = Not a BLM well
Y = Is a BLM well
Description source
*Data typeString
Field description
-->Environmental Protection agency exercises jurisdiction of well
N = Not an EPA well
Y = Is an EPA well
Description source
*Data typeDate
Field description
-->Date on which well drilling commenced-->
Description source
*Data typeDate
Field description
-->Completion Date. Date on which wellhead oil & gas production equipment was installed-->
Description source
*Data typeDate
Field description
-->Abandoned Date. Date on which well was plugged & abandoned to Division standards-->
Description source
*Data typeString
Field description
-->URL link to well records website-->
*Data typeGeometry
Field description
-->Feature geometry.-->
Description source
Description of values
-->Coordinates defining the features.-->