DOC Maps: Oil & Gas

The California Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM), formerly the Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR), oversees the drilling, operation, maintenance, and plugging and abandonment of oil, natural gas, and geothermal energy wells.

GIS data published by CalGEM includes regular updates to well locations and status, oil field boundaries, lease boundaries, and district boundaries. Well location data include a subset of the available information about each well, but can be linked to publicly accessible well databases.

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Interactive Web Maps

Scroll through the available web maps at the bottom. Click on the large picture (or the Open Map link) to open the web map in a new tab.

Data Viewer

Oil & Gas Related Data & Maps

  • [AGOL] indicates that the Department of Conservation's official ArcGIS Online account hosts the data using cloud-based services.